« 11. Posture in the 20th Century | Main | 12. Zum Schluss »


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Hello Christine,
I think you answered this last question in Article 10 when you referred to human upright posture as privileged and that "uprightness in the human speaks of static and denotes moral elements."
You also say that posture is "fleeting...eludes definitions....acts in the shadows of movement...the mind can't penetrate (it.)"
As a Christian, I am reminded of my duty and obligation to care for God's creation. I 'oversee' my world....or the world I come in contact with. I 'stand up' for what is right but I also 'lay down' my life for my brother. What does this say about me....or the body of man? That we are adjustable and accomodating....that we can come down to whatever level or shape just as God came down to us. Our 'intelligent' brain can direct our body into as many different positions as we need in order to care for ourselves, others and the world we live in.
The elusiveness of posture that you describe is exactly what confounds it's description when on a moving horse.
The modern horse you refer to is longer and taller. It's motion is much more difficult for it to manage than was the motion of the horse of the past. Man thus assumes greater responsibility for the animal he has created. Could this be man's subliminal struggle.....that he feels that he must 'behave' or 'carry' himself more uprightly and yet by doing so on the modern horse he makes himself more difficult to BE carried?!
The revelation of the Caprilli position is a clue that posture has a beneficial horizontal component! This latter component is not appreciated because of ignorance! Ideally then, the modern horse is better to be ridden with a special blend of horizontal and vertical energies. The vertical energies create lift and remind the horse that he is God's creation too! The horizontal energies allow man to move forward harmoniously with the pride of the horse.

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