(22) ...guide for the rider's intent, measures and means...
a. ...intensity and timing of the aids, as well as the way in which they are applied, are determined by the rider's intent. That is, does he want to bend, elevate or invigorate the horse...?
b. ...the experienced rider will soon find the right measure for how to apply his aids by observing/experiencing their effect on the horse...
c. ...that is, as long and if he administer them well in time and in full harmony with the horse's movements...
(23) ...how to bend the horse...
a. ...before the horse learns to give to the inside aids, which will bend it, it will react to these same aids with turning ...that is, the natural reaction to the effects of inside hand and leg is turning...
b. ...not until the rider hinders the horse's turn with corresponding outside aids will it understand...
c. ...that only by bending its body (...where...?) it can undo the uncomfortable effect of these aids..
d. ...and it thus by and by gains pliability...
e. ...in practical terms, the rider uses the suppleness he thus bestows on the horse's body to train it on curved lines. Beginning with large drawn out quarter circle turns in the corners of the school, continued with full circles and finally with voltes, which perfect the horse's bending...