Looking up Jaques Lacan in Wikipedia I ran across a chapter The Other, which I also linked, first to the entry Not At All Obvious (1) and second here.
This latter site features references to the others' impact on personal consciousness. You may also want to look up what Heidegger says about questioning self-evidence and its relation to consciousness. Does anyone know if his essay The Essence of Truth is available on-line. If not you may still have to go to the library…
The Other proposes the definition of God as The Infinite Other, which of course points to the misunderstanding that persists with the almost exclusive use of Aristotle’s formula of truth dating to some 400 years B.C. See previous entry… (Here I must admit that after, foolishly, not having noted down the place of this quote in the URL in the first place, on second reading I was no longer able to find it… Let me know if you found it...).
All of this leads me to reflect, not only on truth, consciousness and the others’ role in my life, but on the Internet and the role of such projects as Wikipedia for future humanity.
Who might have guessed only some twenty years ago that such a thing as the Internet might a) be possible, (b) be available and (c) be widely appropiated. Who might have suspected the astounding volumn of a joint effort on-line encyclopedia, such as Wikipedia, which was compiled by volunteers in as little as five years, continuing to grow.
Certainly there was no inkling that a research such as for instance the one presented in the last entries, might be possible within a few hours of attention. In this particular case going from snail-mailed book copies to blog entries, downloads and e-mails back to websites and their linking, to dialogues in person and digitally. Ever expanding the horizon of those participating in an ever expanding search.
One may think such a process to be without focus. But is it? It makes the king in his kingdom the focus, that is you and me. Such a focus reflects an understanding of The Truth as being a person, who represents the meanings correctness and alignment as well, and the knowledge of choice to perceive this divine person as the infinite other or join Him.
Do primary sources of Chinese thinking on these matters exist? If so, are they translated into English or German? Where do I find them?